Children’s Ministry

Children’s Ministry



3:30 PM – 5:00 PM

It’s that time of year again when we are gearing up to start our Wednesday After-School Children’s Ministry Program for children in grades 1st – 5th here at 2BC!
We will meet on Wednesday evenings after school until 5:00 PM starting on September 11th. Our schedule will correspond with the schools’, so if there is an early dismissal, cancellation, or no school on a Wednesday, we will not have our program.

SRBA Children’s Summer Camp

The church has received information on SRBA Summer Camp.

Children’s Camp

Grades 3rd-6th

August 3rd-7th

Lots of summer fun activities waiting for you!

Camp Inlow 2565 County Road 161 Philadelphia, MO 63463

For Info call (573)324-6420 or (573)470-9340 SRBA P.O. Box 368 Bowling Green, MO 63334

Youth Camp Forms are due by July 6, 2020

Camp Fee: $80.00 per Camper (no refunds)

Camper forms for Children, Youth, and application forms for Volunteers are available in 2BC office or online at; info center tab; 2020 camp forms.

If you are unable to print one off or drop by the office to pick one up, send a message or call the church office and one can be mailed to you.

Children’s Christmas Store

Children’s Ministry has begun collecting items for the Children’s Christmas Store. Donations of items the children can use as gifts (new or gently used) for their families is greatly appreciated. Suggestions: gloves for parents or grandparents, toys for siblings, jewelry, scarves, lotions, etc. Gift bags (new or gently used) and wrapping paper is also needed. A box will be in the Educational Building Lobby for collection. Monetary donations, new or gently used gift bags, and wrapping paper, etc. are also accepted. Collection for 2BC Children’s Christmas Store continues through December 1, 2019.For more information contact Anita Hearn (573)213-9805